5 Ways to Overcome Vomiting You Need to Know

Vomiting and diarrhea, also known as vomiting, is actually not a serious illness, but it can interfere with activities if not treated immediately. Not only nausea and diarrhea, vomiting can also cause sufferers to experience flatulence, stomach cramps, headaches, and low-grade fever.

How to Overcome Vomiting

There are various ways to deal with vomiting that you can do at home as a preventive measure against possible complications. Here are some ways:

1. Meet the needs of body fluids

Vomiting can trigger dehydration if left untreated. Therefore, when experiencing vomiting, you are advised to meet your body's fluid needs by consuming 7-8 glasses of water or the equivalent of 2 liters every day.

If vomiting is experienced by the baby, give more breast milk than usual because the fluid and electrolyte content in it can prevent the baby from becoming dehydrated.

2. Consume ORS fluids

In addition to meeting the body's fluid needs, dehydration due to vomiting can also be overcome by administering ORS. This drug is able to replace electrolytes and body fluids that are lost during vomiting and bowel movements. ORS can be found easily at the nearest pharmacy.

3. Consume easily digestible foods

To help you recover from vomiting, you should eat soft-textured foods so that your body can easily digest them, such as bananas, boiled potatoes, steamed rice or porridge.

In addition, there are several types of food that should be avoided while suffering from vomiting, namely oily foods, spicy foods, fatty foods, and foods or drinks high in sugar.

4. Adequate sleep and rest time

Get enough sleep at least 7 hours every night. If you're still short on sleep at night, fill your bedtime with a 30-minute nap. Even though it seems trivial, this is important to pay attention to because adequate rest can help the recovery process from vomiting.

5. Consuming certain drugs

If your vomiting triggers an upset stomach or headache, you can take pain relievers, such as paracetamol. Take the medicine according to the instructions on the package.

If you have applied the method of dealing with vomiting above but the vomiting has not improved, consult a doctor immediately, especially if vomiting is accompanied by symptoms of dehydration in the form of frequent thirst, dark urine, dry mouth and lips, and urinating less than 4 times a day .

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